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Issue 1 Spring

Effects of Jewish-Italian Consumer Animosity Towards Arab Products:  The Role of Personality
Gianluigi Guido, Universitá del Salento, Lecce and LUISS “Guido Carli”, Rome
M. Irene Prete, Universitá del Salento, Lecce and LUISS “Guido Carli”, Rome
Piermario Tedeschi, LUISS “Guido Carli”, Rome
Luly Dadusc, LUISS “Guido Carli”, Rome
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How Far Does the Apple Fall From The Tree?  Advertising Preferences in Spain and Mexico
Linda C. Ueltschy, Bowling Green State University
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How Do U.S. and U.K. Salespeople Compare on the Dimensions of Emotional Intelligence, Positive and Negative Affect, and Customer Orientation Levels?
Charles E. Pettijohn, Nova Southeastern University
Elizabeth J. Rozell, Missouri State University
Andrew Newman, Salford Business School
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An Examination of the Antecedents and Outcomes of Pay Satisfaction Among Retail Buyers
James D. Deconinck, Western Carolina University
Mary Beth Deconinck, Western Carolina University
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Perceptions of Retail Convenience for In-Store and Online Shoppers
Michelle Bednarz Beauchamp, Middle Tennessee State University
Nicole Ponder, Mississippi State University
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Preparing to Negotiate:  An Exploratory Analysis of the Activities Comprising the Pre-Negotiation Process in a Buyer-Seller Interaction
Robert M. Peterson, Northern Illinois University
C. David Shepherd, Georgia Southern University
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Commentary on Conceptualizing the Servicescape Construct in ‘A Study of the Service Encounters in Eight Countries’
Roscoe Hightower, Jr., Florida A&M University
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Bank Personnel’s Perception of Banking Services and Implications for Service Quality
Musa Pinar, Valpariso University
Zeliha Eser, Baskent University
Sandy Strasser, Valpariso University
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Electronic Commerce Research:  The First 15 Years in the Fields of Marketing, Management, and Information Systems
Robert S. Moore, Mississippi State University
Michael Breazeale, Indiana State University
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The Knowledge Economy’s Strategy Dilemma:  Balancing Digital Relationships and Rights
E. Vincent Carter, California State University, Bakersfield
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Consumer Expertise, Sacralization, and Event Attendance:  A Conceptual Framework
Andrew Espinola, Texas State University – San Marcos
Vishag Badrinarayanan, Texas State University – San Marcos
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Brand Cult:  Extending the Notion of Brand Communities
Paul M. Acosta, Siena College
Raj Devasagayam, Siena College
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Developing Multidimentional Trust Without Touch in Virtual Teams
W. Randy Clark, Middle Tennessee State University
Leigh Ann Clark, Middle Tennessee State University
Katie Crossley, Bank Midwest
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21st Century Social Class Theory as it Applies to Marketing
Juan (Gloria) Meng, Minnesota State University, Mankato
John P. Fraedrich, Southern Illinois State University
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Consumer Perceptions of Community Banks:  An Exploratory Study
Jacqueline K. Eastman, Georgia Southern University
Wendy T. Denton, Sea Island Bank
Michael L. Thomas, Georgia Southern University
Luther (Trey) Denton, Georgia Southern University
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The Provisions for a Flourishing Marketing and Finance Discourse and Its Impact on Organizational Structure
Reza Motameni, California State University, Fresno
Douglas Cords, California State University, Fresno
Susan D. Geringer, California State University, Fresno
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Issue 2 Fall

Relationship Marketing in a Developing Economy
Subhra Chakrabarty, Mississippi State University
Gene Brown, University of Missouri – Kansas City
Robert E. Widing II, Macquarie University
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Personality Traits and Their Effect on Brand Commitment:  An Empirical Investigation
Prashant Srivastava, The University of Akron
Deborah L. Owens, The University of Akron
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Understanding Cognitive Age:  The Boomers’ Perspective
Rajesh Iyer, Bradley University
Timothy Reisenwitz, Valdosta State University
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The Fashion Conscious Mall Shopper:  An Exploratory Study
Rajesh Iyer, Bradley University
Jacqueline K. Eastman, Georgia Southern University
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Can Materialism be Good for Local Retailers?  An Empirical Study of Trait Antecedents to Local Loyalty Behavior
Clair Allison Stammerjohan, University of Louisiana Monroe
Henry S. Cole, University of Louisiana Monroe
Kenneth E. Clow, University of Louisiana Monroe
Mary McKinley, Groupe Ecole Supericure de Commerce et de Management, Tours-Poiters
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Credit Cards and College Students:  Effect of Materialism and Risk Attitude on Misuse
Philip M. Sidoti, Siena College
Raj Devasagayam, Siena College
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Why Customers Do Not Complete Online Transactions:  The Missing Link
Satyendra Singh, University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Canada
Dheeraj Sharma, University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Canada
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An Examination of Thrift Store Shoppers
Mark Mitchell, Coastal Carolina University
Rob Montgomery, University of Evansville
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Demographic Antecedents to the Practice of Adaptive Selling
Subhra Chakrabarty, Mississippi State University
Gene Brown, University of Missouri-Kansas City
Robert E. Widing II, Macquarie University
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The Interrelationships of Empathy, Trust and Conflict and Their Impact on Sales Performance:  An Exploratory Study
Richard E. Plank, University of South Florida Polytechnic
David A. Reid, Bowling Green State University
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Optimizing CRM:  A Framework for Enhancing Profitability and Increasing Lifetime Value of Customers
Ramendra Thakur, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
John H. Summey, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
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A Social Networks Approach to Market Orientation
Matthew T. Seevers, Creighton University
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Return on Quality-Quality’s Impact on Customer Satisfaction, Revenue Growth, Profitability and Cost Efficiency – A Cross National Comparative Analysis of Japanese and American Manufacturers in the Auto Industry
Abhay Shah, Colorado State University – Pueblo
Hailu Regassa, Colorado State University – Pueblo
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Is the U.S. Vehicle Industry Rising From The Ashes?
Michael J. Cotter, Grand Valley State University
James A. Henley, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
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Ethical Beliefs of American and Turkish MBA Students:  A Cross-Cultural Study
Yusuf Sidani, American University of Beirut
Mohammed Y.A. Rawwas, University of Northern Iowa
Matthew Bunker, University of Northern Iowa
Scott J. Vitell, University of Mississippi
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