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Issue 1 Spring

Country of Origin Effects:  The Role of information Diagnosticity, Information Typicality and Involvement
Khaled Aboulnasr, Fairfield University
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Kotler’s “Megamarketing”:  Political Activities and Firm Performance in the Domestic Marketplace
Bruce D. Keillor, The University of Akron
William Hauser, The University of Akron
Deborah Owens, The University of Akron
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Extending and Clarifying Causal Relationships in Research Involving Personal Shopping value, Consumer Self-Confidence, and Word of Mouth
Terrence J. Paridon, Cameron University
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Diagnosing Sales Force Change Resistance:  What We Can Learn from the Addiction Literature
Lawrence B. Chonko, Baylor University
James A. Roberts, Baylor University
Eli Jones, University of Houston
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Salesperson Assistance Versus Self-Service in Retailing:  Are They Both a Matter of Convenience
Nicole Ponder, Mississippi State University
Jason E. Lueg, Mississippi State University
Zachary Williams, Mississippi State University
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A Look at Professional Selling from the Students’ Perspective:  A Replication and Extension
Dennis Bristow, St. Cloud State University
Rajesh Gulati, St. Cloud State University
Douglas Amyx, Louisiana Tech University
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Personal Values and Management Priorities:  Marketing Students vs. Top Level Marketing Managers
Terrell G. Williams, Western Washington University
Pamela Hall, Western Washington University
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Multiple Levels of Trust and Dependence on Supplier-Distributor Coordination:  An Empirical Test
Janice M. Payan, University of Northern Colorado
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Conceptualization and Measurement of Perceived Risk in Online Shopping
Ahmad M. Hassan, Morehead State University
Michelle B. Kunz, Morehead State University
Allison W. Pearson, Mississippi State University
Fatma A. Mohamed, Morehead State University
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Consumers’ Decision-Making Style:  Relationships with Attitude Toward Consumer Free-Riding Activity
David J. Burns, Xavier University
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Consumer Grudgeholding:  An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure
David Aron, Northern Illinois University
Kimberley Judson, Northern Illinois University
Timothy Aurand, Northern Illinois University
Geoffrey Gordon, Northern Illinois University
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Mob It and Sell It:  Creating Marketing Opportunity Through Replication of Flash Mobs
Nora Ganim Barnes, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
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Assessing Sponsorship Through the Intellectual Capital Framework
Ragnar Lund, Stockholm University
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Information Content in Magazine, Television and Web Advertising:  A Comparison and Update
Sejung Marina Choi, The University of Texas at Austin
Nora J. Rifon, Michigan State University
Carrie S. Trimble, Illinois Wesleyan University
Bonnie B. Reece, Michigan State University
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Legal and Ethical Issues in the Operation of a Business Website
Susan Higgins DeFago, John Carroll University
William N. Bockanic, John Carroll University
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Readability and Writing Well
Ronald J. Bauerly, Western Illinois University
Don T. Johnson, Western Illinois University
Mandeep Singh, Western Illinois University
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Ethical Marketing:  A Look on the Bright Side
Thomas A. Klein, The University of Toledo
Gene R. Laczniak, Marquette University
Patrick E. Murphy, University of Notre Dame
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Global Account Management (GAM):  Two Case Studies Illustrating the Organizational Set-Up
Svend Hollensen, University of Southern Denmark
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